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Sunday, April 3, 2011

What is that worth.....

As much as I love my father, there are many things about my past with him that annoy me. The biggest is that no matter what I did or do, no matter what skill I was studying,  he would always ask me," Well what is that worth?" When I studied karate, he ask me that and no matter the answer, he would say," But someone with a gun makes that worthless." When I took up track and was training to run the mile, he would sneer," Just learn to drive a car." I was always trying to find a lesson in those challenges, I was always questioning my own conclusions. That is actually the only good thing to come from that.
I missed out getting to run so much as the five kilometer race today. I could blame life just getting in the way, but really it was just my laziness. I am going to have to make the time to exercise. I will run a half marathon before this year is over. I will be able to ride my bicycle to and from work. I will learn to paddle whitewater with some confidence. These things I swear to myself.
By the way, if you are using Chrome as a web browser get the typing tutorial from their web app store. It has done wonders for my typing. I almost have my pinky finger working.

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