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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Sorry for missing the past week.

My wife and I went camping in the Smoky's the past weekend. It was not my finest hour. First we had a strap come loose on the canoe, which promptly got caught on a tire. The strap pulled the canoe over a bit and broke one of the thwarts and a bit of the gunwale. We decided to press on. My wife's right sandal broke when we got to the dock, and it was her only pair of shoes. Still we pressed on. When we reached Eagle creek, the lake was down and we had to portage in. We had a nice time camping, and even made love in the tent since we were so far from anybody else. Then first thing in the morning, as we set out to leave, we tipped the canoe over. Mountain creeks are very cold this time of year and Eagle creek is no exception. So we pulled ourselves back together changed clothes and paddled out just ahead of a rain storm. Despite the hardships, it was a wonderful time, and I highly recommend going camping there.
The Covenant Health Marathon is next week, and I will not be participating. I wish I was but I fell off my training during the snows in January and could never seem to catch back up. I am going to have to do something to start exercising more though. I am thinking about getting the latest Wii Fit game and giving it a try. Also I need to start jogging with my dog once a week. April fifteenth is coming soon, and I must be in shape by then if I am going to commute by bicycle.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Oh and by the way.

View from Gregory's Bald.


Running late.

It's been a busy week. My wife's great-aunt Helen turned a hundred this weekend. I had to help out. Also, my father-in-law had his birthday this weekend. We did make it to church on Sunday, and have started the inquirer's class at Saint James Episcopal.
My training this past week has not been to bad. I got four and a half miles running, and a full strength training in. My knee is holding up fine as long as I wrap it. My wife has told me she does not think I'll be ready for a half marathon later this month, but I don't know. If my knee holds, I think I can. I guess we shall see.
I was thinking the other day (and more on this later) that the new geek is getting healthier, but still not becoming a "jock".